How to increase member without surgery?
Is it possible to enlarge the penis by a few centimeters without resorting to surgery? Internet is full of "magic" books, how to do it, but most of the links and articles - this is just a publicity surgery center, or a new product. The oldest method of increasing the size of the penis is a holograph massage penis . To this day, have survived dozens of techniques to achieve the desired penis size. The key techniques of massage.
Warm up procedureDampen a soft cloth with warm water, wring it out. Wrap it around the base of your penis (regardless of the state of rest or of erection) and leave on for three minutes. Then remove the cloth. Repeat at least twice. Then carefully dry the cock. Do regular exercise with this procedure. Warm up compresses provide blood flow and thus improve blood circulation in your penis and make your skin more elastic. In addition, it will provide a better grip for the exercises that you will perform after a warm compress should start a stretching techniques. Squash and stretch your penis for the regular program can give incredible results as well as exercise the muscles make them bigger and stronger. These exercises stretch your penis, at the same time allowing you to increase penis size in erection. Technique number oneThis technique can be performed either standing or sitting.
1. Member is in a relaxed state. Take it with one hand tightly gripping the head, but not impeding flow of blood.
2. Pull your dick away from yourself. Stretch it as long as you feel discomfort. Keep it in this state 5 minutes. After every few minutes, try to increase the stretch. Remember, exercise should not cause pain.
3. Rest 1 minute. Massage your penis in a circular motion for about 30 times. This will restore the normal blood circulation.
4. Repeat 4 times the second exercise, stretching the term in different directions: up, down, left and right. After every 5 minutes of stretching Repeat exercise 3.
5. After you perform the five extensions (5 minutes each), a member of the stretch again right away. Hold it one minute, then 10 times lightly squeeze it without causing yourself pain. Manually stretching term gives the same results as the traditional system load penis. The safest way to capture assumes no pressure only on the dorsal (spinal) nerve, which runs along the top of your penis. You can invent your own ways to capture, because you better than your feelings clear. Most importantly, do not squeeze too hard, otherwise you may be violating the circulation. This exercise will provide an increase in the length of your penis in two weeks training, but only after 3-4 months, you can really appreciate its scale.
Technique number 21. Grab the term in a relaxed state for the head with one hand and squeeze it. Remember that you should not feel discomfort and interfere with blood circulation. 2. Drag it in the direction of right away with the power to feel pain-free stretch. Hold it in the stretched state for 30 seconds - 1 minute, then relax. 3. Continue to stretch the penis over 15-20 minutes at a time. Between sessions of rest for at least 10-20 minutes. Technique number 3
This technique daosiyskim by ancient sages. It involves stretching the penis and in the relaxed and in erection. Daosiyskie methods are very original, so their use may seem unusual. Take a deep breath air nose, hold it in his throat, and then swallow, chasing him in the stomach. When the air reaches the lower abdomen, send it to penis. Tremya middle fingers of his left hand to press the point -Yun Hu , located midway between the anus and the scrotum. This will strengthen the power of your penis. Restore normal breathing, still keep your fingers on the point.
Start with your right hand to stretch your penis back and forth, pulling it easy rhythmic movements 36 times. Thumb stroking the head, while the member does not excite. sweep right hand to hold the base member. Hold the grip, run your hand at 3-4 cm forward. So you put in the air energy penis, pushing him to the head. Pull your penis to the right and start to rotate it 36 times clockwise and 36 against. Then tilt it to the left and repeat. Energy of many bodily organs will begin to flow into the penis, enhancing and strengthening it. Finish the exercise by tapping 36 times excited member first on the inside of the right thigh, then left thigh. Technique number 41. Right hand grab his cock and start rhythmically pull him in and of itself. Repeat 10 times (each stretch for about 15 seconds). 2. Repeat the stretch right 10 times, 10 times to the left, down - 10 times. 3. Stroking the penis with your thumb until a erection. Grab a member at the base with thumb and forefinger. Hugging, slide forward on 3-4 cm 10. 4. Pull the right term and turn it a small circle, continuing to stretch 10 times. Repeat to the left of 10. 5. Easily excited member padded on the inside of the thigh 10 times, stretching it in different directions.